Wills, Probate & Estate Planning
Have you made your Will? Many of us make a New Year’s Resolution to do so but it is something that tends to get left on the long finger. Bowen & Co have significant experience in Estate planning and will be able to assist you in making your Will whether you are a business owner, a farmer or a homeowner with a mortgage.
Everyone should make their Will as soon as possible. Families are not as structured as they used to be and it is imperative that you receive information on how your property would be divided if you had no Will made.
There is huge stress on the death of a loved one, and lasting difficulty can be caused where the lack of a Will – or a poorly made Will – leads to confusion and upset.
We can provide a full overview in relation to your Estate and advise on how best to deal with your assets to the benefit of your family at different stages during your lifetime.